Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Kentucky Derby Party

Troy and I with our hats on for the party!!

Melanie, Lucy, and Grandpa Leavitt

Ryan and girlfriend Sam

Ron, Lisa, and Alexi

Jason and Carmen

Grandma Leavitt made Lesha some cupcakes for her birthday too!!

Lesha's 4th Birthday

Lesha turned 4 years old!! I can hardly believe how fast the time has gone!! She is so grown up! She loved her "Hello Kitty" cake I made her! That is actually the last time I decide to make the cake though....too much work...and it turned out pretty bad....Lesha loved it though! That is what matters i guess...

Lesha's two little friends: Marah and Sadie

the leavitt family

the leavitt family

family in front of the temple

family in front of the temple