Sunday, January 11, 2009

Too much snow and wind!!

Mason, Keston, and Lesha posing after church on this windy and snowy day!

yeah that car is not coming out until spring!

I took these pictures today after church. The insane amount of snow is being blown around like crazy!! The pictures of these houses are just down the block from us!!

Skating for Mom's Birthday!

I took quite a few pictures and want to post so many of them, but these will have to do for now!! I have got to go to sleep! We had so much fun though!! Thanks mom for letting us do this on your birthday!!!

keston in the penalty box

the hockey game

Dallin didn't even have skates year right?

silly boys...

Our "pairs" interpretation....

skating is just not quite as graceful as it used to be!!!!

We went skating agian for my mom's birthday. It was fun as it was Keston's first time ever and Mason was getting pretty good at skating! Lesha really enjoyed being pushed around by Grandma in her stroller! We were missing Micah, Aric, Jack, Brenan, Beth, Mallory, and Kam though. Next year though right??!!

Holidays & New Years Eve

We spent some of Christmas Day and a lot of the rest of the holidays over at my mom and dad's house. This toy that Lesha is playing with was a definite hit!! Even Keston enjoyed cutting the vegetables apart and putting them back together again over and over again!!

I am so blessed!!

We had such a nice Christmas Eve as the kids acted out the Nativity while Grandpa Leavitt read Luke 2. After the kids were in bed, we were able to tell each of our service project experiences with Cam and Lonny. This was the gift that they requested from all of their children instead of spending money on them. There was such a nice spirit there in their living room as we each took turns telling what we chose to do. I wrote about what we did a couple posts earlier.
I am so grateful for the opportunity we had to do that with our family. It added such overwhelming emotion to my Christmas "spirit" this year. Thank you Cam and Lonny for that opportunity that has now become a tradition!!
I was spoiled by my husband and family with presents, but I am especially grateful for all my many blessings that I am blessed with!! I sometimes get overhwhelmed with how much I am really blessed with!! I have a wonderful husband who is such a good person. He always amazes me with how much he gives of his time and talents to other people. I know he loves me and I recognize that as a blessing in my life! Love you Troy!
My three children are the sweetest ever! They are such good examples to me, even in the littlest ways. Mason is so kind and thoughtful. One of the things he does that i love is when he comes up to me for no reason but to give me a hug and say, "love you mom". He is a polite and gentle hearted boy. Thank you Mason for being a good example to your brother and sister!
Keston is so cute and funny too!! He is always helping Lesha without me even asking! I love it when Keston plays with my hair and says, "you like this mommy?". He is so thoughtful and loves to make us laugh too!
Lesha is growing up way too fast! Being a girl seems to make a difference of when she can accomplish different things. She is so smart and brings such joy into our home. She is also so is so cute when she says "tayntoo mommy" for giving her a simple bowl of cereal or something like that. She is so full of energy and makes me smile so often! One thing she says is so cute and really hard to resist is when she is crying in her crib, she is saying, "hold you mommy!" over and over again! She says that because I always ask her, "Do you want me to hold you?". Her voice is so sweet as well as her cute little face! All of my kids bring me such joy!!! I am so blessed!

The boy's presents

Mason asked Santa for a snowboard for Christmas. He has never tried it before, but has uncles who like snowboarding so he was willing to try. He was so excited that even during the rest of the present opening Mason slipped out the front door at Grandma and Grandpa Leavitt's house to try it out in the front yard!!
Keston really wanted a "Batman house" for Christmas. He and Mason both wrote letters to Santa Claus this year. He was really excited to see it Christmas was Troy...LOL!!!

Christmas presents

Lesha was so cute this year!! It was so fun to open presents with her becuase she would get so excited and could hardly wait to hold her doll or put on the new clothes or look at some other toy she would be opening! Auntie Lisa and Lexi gave this doll to Lesha. She absolutely loved it of course and was just giggling with the doll today (it sings songs and makes little baby noises). Santa brought her a play kitchen and laundry center. She loves to pretend and even talks on the phone while she is pretending to make some food! It is so cute! In fact I think I was just as excited about the kitchen as she was!! Having a little girl is just so much fun!

Christmas 2008

Wow! Another Christmas season has passed already! It came so fast too!! I felt like a procrastinator this year....I am not sure why, but it might have been the nice weather we were having into December. It didn't really seem like Christmas was coming because it was so nice outside for so long which is really unusual for us here in southern Alberta!
Well, I am just posting a few pictures from Christmas. I got a new camera for Christmas so I took lots of pictures. I am trying to be professional, but am really just experimenting and having fun with it mostly. Someday I will be a really good photographer I hope though!

the leavitt family

the leavitt family

family in front of the temple

family in front of the temple