Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Rexburg, Idaho trip '08

My parents, Grayden, and I took a trip down to watch Mallory perform at a dancing show called, "Extravadance". I had never taken the trip down to Idaho to watch Mallory dance. She has been on the BYU-I dance team for three years now. It was about time that I go don't you think? Brenan and Beth travelled from Provo to come see her too. It was a lot of fun to see them too!! We went out to eat lots and did a little bit of shopping (there really isn't much there in Rexburg). We went to Deseret Book and Downeast Outfitters. Mom and I went to a little house decor store that was fun too, but that was all we really had time for anyway. We were only there from Friday, June 13th until Sunday, the 15th, which was Father's Day and Micah's 27th Birthday. We celebrated Micah's birthday on the Monday after we got back.
Oh! And the whole reason I was able to go was because Troy, my sweet husband, took care of our three kids for me! He had a little bit of help from his parents and sister, but he did a lot himself. I am so glad I could go without my kids!! Of course I missed them, but it was just a different kind of relaxing trip I couldn't have had if they were with me..... Mothers you understand don't you?!!
Well, Mallory did an amazing job at her performances! We went to both of them while we were there. I guess I am a little biased, but I really think she is the best on the team!! There are definitely other fantastic dancers, but Mallory has a gift where she is able to really connect with the audience. She is exact and purposeful in her movement and is such a dramatic and graceful dancer. Wow she is one talented girl!! It was so fun to be there live to see her perform! Love you Mal!!
We also got to meet Mallory's boyfriend, Kam, who is a great guy. We had a lot of fun over the few days we were there!! Thanks Mom and Dad for taking me with you!!

Thursday, June 5, 2008

The Wiggles Concert

Right before Lesha's first birthday in April I took the boys to a Wiggles concert. Mason and Keston both loved it!! They had so much fun!! They were singing and doing the actions with the Wiggles! Mason even gave the red guy a "high five"!! We were on the front row on the side. It was pretty fun!!

the leavitt family

the leavitt family

family in front of the temple

family in front of the temple