Saturday, March 28, 2009

My Lesha Leah

I can't believe Lesha is going to be 2 years old this next month!! She has really grown up so fast!! She makes me so happy and I love her to pieces!!

Lesha with Straight Hair!!

Troy had suggested a while ago that I should straighten Lesha's hair sometime. I really didn't even think of doing it. I love her curly hair!! I decided to do it today and see what it would look like. Well, I loved it! Lesha actually sat very well while I did it too!! It is all different lengths but it looked so cute!! I think she looks so different too!! Troy said she looked even more like me! It was fun to do and Lesha even liked looking at herself in the mirror!

Friday, March 20, 2009

Troy's Birthday Slideshow

Birthday weekend pictures....

Carmen put together 30 memories of Troy that was so thoughtful and cute!! It was so fun to hear all of the funny and nice things that Carmen remembered about Troy. It was such a thoughtful gift!!! I know it meant a lot to Troy too! THanks Carmen!!

this is where we stayed on Troy's birthday. It was called the Lodge at Whitefish Lake. It was so fun! We went to the Spa that was there at the Lodge too.

Carmen, Troy, and Ryan at Troy's parents house for a Birthday dinner.

Happy Birthday Troy!! I love you!!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Troy is 30???!!!

I still can't believe that Troy turned 30! I am more in denial than he is!! Actually it hasn't really affected him as it has myself. I don't want to turn 30!!! Ok enough whining...we had a really fun weekend in Whitefish, Montana. We had a gift certificate that we bid on two years ago at a Royal LePage auction that would allow us to stay at a condo on Big Mountain. It is right on the ski practically. It was fun to stay in such a rustic little place. We had an open fire which was my favorite part! We stayed at The Lodge at Whitefish Lake the night of Troy's birthday. That place was really nice to stay at! Our appointments for the Spa were there at that place too! We both had massages and relaxed while spending a mere four hours there!! Nice.....thanks for letting me enjoy that day with you Troy!! Happy Birthday to me too!! We also had lunch and a fancy birthday dinner at The Boat House Restuarant upstairs of the Lodge. It had an amazing view of the lake and Mountains! We ate at some really good little Bistro's and restaurants! That was a fun part of the trip too!
Well, that was Thursday and Friday. On Saturday we went skiing which was so much fun!! Troy tried skiing again instead of snowboarding. His feet did not hurt like they did when he would snowboard! He has sworn off boarding and will only ski now...just like me. I love skiing! This was so enjoyable and beautiful too!! We went to a movie in Kalispell that night and then went home on Sunday afternoon. We came back to Cam and Lonny's for Troy's birthday dinner. Cam made fried chicken; Troy's favorite! Later that evening some other family came over for some cake. It was a great weekend!! Happy Birthday Troy!

the leavitt family

the leavitt family

family in front of the temple

family in front of the temple